1. Great Wealth -with song heard in Vampire Diaries
"Only One"
by Alex Band / Daniel Damico
2. Happiness Eternal Youth-Temp Out of Sotck
by Alex Band / Scott Thomas
3. Power & Success
"Leave (Today is the Day)"
by Alex Band
4. Good Luck & Inner Strength
"What is Love"
by Alex Band / Daniel Damico
5. Miracles-Temp out of Stock
by Alex Band
6. Protection-Temp out of Stock
"Never Let You Go"
by Alex Band / Daniel Damico
7. Faith & Hope
by Alex Band
8. Love and Friendship-Temp out of Stock
"Forever Yours"
by Alex Band
9. Good Health
by Alex Band
10. New Beginnings -Temp out of Stock
"Start Over Again"
by Alex Band / Daniel Damico
11. Prosperity-Temp out of Stock
"We've All Been There"
by Alex Band
12. Peace and Joy-Temp Out of Stock
"Without You"
by Alex Band